
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Big Girl

My oldest came in to the world on her due date, and has been punctual ever since. She is turning 8 and is definitely no longer a little girl. She is increasingly independent, but very hard on herself if she is not able to do something her friends (or younger kids) are capable of doing. She finally mastered riding a bike about a month ago, and luckily we're having an early spring, so she was able to get out on it again.

She is interested in science and loves dinosaurs, loves building with Legos. She's a voracious reader, and I can't keep up what she has/has not read. She makes friends easily, and is very compassionate.

She does well in school, plays piano and enjoys doing her homework, but gets upset at herself when she makes mistakes at times when she should no better. While she loves school, she gets a little jealous of how much time her sister and brother get to spend at home. When I asked her if she wanted to go to camp this summer she said she just wanted to do a half day cause she wants to spend time with her family :)

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I love all your comments, but admittedly have been a slacker about replying to all your kind words. I've recently received a bit of spam on my posts so will now be moderating any comments - and not allowing anonymous commenting. I hope that will help me stay on top of replies.