
Thursday, July 12, 2012

The In-Laws are Coming

Nothing like impending house guests to force you to get your act together. Yesterday, I went to Home Depot to finally get a new towel rod to replace the one in the guest bathroom my husband bent over a year ago. I also got a new towel ring to replace the one that had annoyed me for years. If you tugged too hard on the towel, the ring fell off. It clipped back on pretty easily so I'd lived with it for a while. $20 at Home Depot and a few minutes with a screwdriver, both replaced.

Cleaned out my fridge and freezer this morning and finished putting my chalkboard labels in there.

Since we never get spur of the moment guests, we converted our guest room to a play room, now we just need to to convert it back. It's not super hard as we just need to get the toys out and put the bed back in. The dresser is already in there. Hopefully I can get the kids to purge some toys in the process.

The kids have helped me come up with a menu plan.

Now I just have to finish cleaning (I'm trying to do a little everyday so I can still enjoy the weekend), get the car washed - loooong overdue, and come up with a plan for outings while they are here.


  1. Hi! Just wanted to let you know you're a Featured Blogger on Weekend Blog Walk this weekend. Thanks for promoting.

    Jessica @ At Home Take 2

    1. Thanks Jessica, look forward to finding some new bloggy friends.

      I love your Blog Walk, always find lots of new blogs to follow.

  2. Sounds like fun, just don't let it get too stressful! :) That's something I always have to tell myself when we have guests.

  3. So true! We always end up scrambling right before BBQs or birthday parties. I found you via the Weekend Blog Walk and am happy to be your newest follower! I'd love a visit back at! :)

  4. Love house guest, they do motivate you to get those extra things done. We just have guests for 17 days. It was a long few weeks. Have a great day. I am following you over from the weekend hop.

    1. Thanks for stopping by.

      We had parents (first his, then mine) in the house for almost a month around the holidays, so I know what you mean. Luckily this is only a week - should be doable ;)


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