
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Payment in Dinosaurs

Yesterday when I was cleaning upstairs when I called down to my daughters to ask them to tidy up their rooms so I could vacuum.

Little Man came upstairs, "Do I need to clean up too?"

"No, I already vacuumed your room."

He looks in his room and turns to me, "You did a good job." He hands me a dinosaur and runs off. Compensation for a job well done? One plastic stegosaurus.


  1. Aww I love how little boys can be the sweetest in their own unique way.

  2. That's funny and sweet. Stopping by from the Mommy Brain Mixer.

  3. He makes me laugh all the time.

    Earlier today he asked me how to spell "Dinosaurs go to the cafe". I spelled it out, he thought for a second and said "oh, I thought it had it had an "a" in it.

  4.! I would like to be paid in dinosaurs ;o)
    Thanks for the follow, following back

  5. Too cute!! I'm SO glad you linked up to the Mommy-Brain Mixer and I hope to see you again on Thursday! :)

  6. It's funny how kids think you love the same stuff as them :)

  7. How sweet! Thats too cute! New follower from the Mommy Moments Linky looking forward to reading more!
    Misty @

  8. hahaha. that is quite funny. I get excited when thinking about those days (when my daughter can talk) she is one now! just found your blog from the mommy moments link up! excited to start following you!

    1. Thanks for following.

      The old saying, "Kids Say (and Do) the Darnedest Things" is definitely true. I love the 3 year old stage. They've got a great imagination and toddler logic.

  9. So cute! I'm a new follower! Found you on the Mommy Moments Linky Party! Can't wait to read more :)

    1. Thanks for following! I'm following you back.


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