
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Back To It

Yes, I guess I kind of cheated a little yesterday but that's because as much as I planned ahead I ran out of draft posts that I could just hit publish on, and I was having a good day with Little Man so didn't want to ruin it by spending time on the computer.

After dropping his sisters off at school, we ran a quick errand and then came home and played. He had decided that morning that he wanted to wear a bandana on his head so we played Jake and the Neverland pirates in our jungle gym for a while and then went into the playroom and played with Legos and then built a train track.

We had grilled cheeses for lunch (and amazingly he ate the whole thing - well minus the crust) and then headed off for his basketball class. It was the last day so the parents got to come in the gym, and the kids played with us so we could see what they learned. We practiced dribbling, passing, shooting, and finally had a game parents vs kids. The kids beat us 18-2. The coach helped the kids but admittedly none of us parents did that well shooting. I had one airball. Little Man got two baskets and legitimately stole the ball from me twice (and once I kind of let him take it). The kids all got ribbons to take home, which he is very excited about.

After basketball we stopped by the library for about an hour, and then to the playground while Little Reader has her dance class. It was a perfect fall day. Sun is out so even though it's breezy, not too cold.

Once we got home the kids made a big pile of leaves in the backyard and took turns jumping in it til it got dark and they had to come inside.  A good day.

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