
Thursday, November 15, 2012

American Girl

My daughters are 8 and 6 and thankfully have shown no interest in American Girl dolls. They've been to a birthday party there (they brought their teddy bears). Little Reader likes the books, and until now that was it, and that was just fine with me. I never liked dolls growing up, I preferred my snuggle buddies as we call them in our house. My daughters seemed to be following my lead until I asked them to write up their Christmas wish lists.

Little Reader wants an American Girl doll that looks like her. She specifically said she's going to ask Santa for it as I had mentioned before that they are pretty expensive.

Here's the problem. So far it's her only Santa wish, and if she had shown interest in dolls in the past I wouldn't think twice about it, as she does take good care of her things. The problem is I really don't think she'll play with it that much. I also know her well enough that if I push that opinion she'll say even more that she wants it. Also I know that like me she thinks about things a lot before she verbalizes them, so has pretty much made up her mind.

So, what's my plan? Well as luck would have it, between her and her sister they have 3 birthday parties coming up. Today we're going shopping for the gift for the first one. Normally I go to Target but today I plan on taking them to Toys R Us. My hope is that she'll see something else and will change her mind about the AG doll. Wish me luck.


  1. We just got an American Girl catalog in the mail this week (not sure how!), and I was thanking God that our daughter isn't into them--yet! I had no idea they were so expensive!!!

    1. I know it's insane. I also feel like you really have to search for the prices of the dolls after looking at all the overpriced clothes and accessories.

  2. I remember begging my mom for one! I loved it so much... for about a month. I don't even know where it is now =( Hopefully she'll find something else to ask Santa for

    1. I have a feeling that's what's going to happen here. Unfortunately the trip to Toys R Us didn't make her change her mind, she just added more things to her list.

      We've still got some time so hopefully she'll change her mind, but I doubt it.


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