
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why Is It So Special?

Yesterday I noticed that Little Hugger had outgrown the shirt she was wearing. Sleeves were too short and her belly was exposed a bit. When it was time to get ready for bed I asked her to throw it out since it was too small and has a stain on it. She said ok and went upstairs to get ready for bed.

A couple of minutes later she came down crying and clutching her shirt. I asked what was wrong and she said she didn't want to throw it out. I told her it was too small and because of the stain we can't sell it at Kids Sale.

She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and said, "ok but can we take a picture of it first?". Done

Once she was all tucked in I asked her why it was so special. She said, "I don't know I just like it". I guess I'll never know more than that but now she has a picture of her shirt in her photo album along with pictures of crafts that she didn't want to keep the actual thing, but didn't want to forget about either.

How do you deal with things that are special to your kids that you want to get rid of?


  1. That is so sweet! Our youngest has a really hard time letting go of things. He has a very sharp memory and will often remind me that it was a gift from someone, or it was his favourite thing 2 years ago. I'm going to have to try the picture idea, because that might just help!

    1. She's quite a hoarder and the picture taking thing has really helped her let go of a lot of things. I definitely recommend it.

  2. That is a really cute reaction. Taking a picture was the right move. I am sure pinterest has a thousand ideas of ways to turn that shirt into lasting keepsakes, but I wouldn't dare look there:-)

    1. Sure, I could make quilts,pillowcases, Mod Podge covered bowls etc out of old clothes but I refuse to go there. God help me when she is old enough to discover Pinterest.

  3. Aww! That is adorable. I don't have kids, but it sounds like the photo was a perfect solution!

    1. So far the photo thing has worked out really well. File it away in case you someday have a kid with hoarder tendencies like mine.


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