
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Good Shopping Day

Today I took Little Reader shopping for some new clothes. We started at Target for some basics and then on to Old Orchard for lunch and more shopping.

We got most of her stuff at Gymboree but also a new fleece from LL Bean and a couple of things from Justice. It's funny she's been asking for clothes from there for a while since a lot of her friends have Justice clothes but we'd never been in. Even she was overwhelmed by the bright colors and abundance of sparkle and sequins. She did pick out a couple of things and while it wasn't stuff I would have picked for her it wasn't too teenagerish so I let her get it.

We stopped for frozen yogurt at TCBY, and Claires to use some gift cards she had. Throughout the day I had been making quick stops on the department stores to look for a dress for me for an upcoming black tie event. Our final stop at Bloomies was successful. I found four dresses on the clearance rack to try on. Two were good, but this was the winner (best part it was reduced from $220 to $120)------->>>> .

There were a couple of sequins that had fallen off but when I mentioned that to the saleslady, she said that was no problem they could fix that for me no charge, and I'd have it in plenty of time for my party. Love stores with good customer service :)

We had a fun day and this was the first time in a long time it was just the two of us. She told me silly stories about her friends and things about books she's reading. It was fun to hear her opinion on formal dresses. In most cases we agreed, and she gave me honest (but not too honest) opinions in the dressing room. It's hard to have one on one time when you have three kids, but I definitely need to do it more.


  1. That silver dress is amazing! Good thing I don't have a Bloomies near - or do I, never thought to look until now.

  2. Thanks, it is available on line ;)


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