
Friday, April 12, 2013

Girl Scout Cookie Rewards

I got the following message from the "cookie Mom" for my daughter's troop

"I have the incentives ready based on the initial girl scout cookie sales. I am planning on passing them out directly to the Moms at the end of the Girl Scout meeting at pick-up. I am planning on doing this discreetly because not all girls got equal items. Please do not let your daughter open her bag until you get home so there is no comparison and hurt feelings."

I think this is pretty pathetic - it's an incentive based system. Different prizes for different #s of boxes sold. If some kid gets upset because my daughter earned lots of incentives well that girl should try harder next year. It's a life lesson - work hard, get more rewards. My daughter took the time to walk around our neighborhood in cold January to sell 208 boxes of cookies, and is very excited to get her rewards.

My daughter is not the type to brag about her accomplishments so she won't be rubbing it in to other members of the troop that she got things they didn't. I read the cookie Mom's email to her and will leave it at that.


  1. The troop can opt out of the incentive program. My daughter's did. Either do the program or don't. It doesn't make sense to hide it.

    1. Exactly. They even voted last year whether they wanted to do the incentives or not and they all decided to keep the incentives. There's no need to make a big presentation giving out incentives and announcing how many boxes each girl sold (I know other troops do this), but to be so secretive seems to be too far in the opposite direction.


I love all your comments, but admittedly have been a slacker about replying to all your kind words. I've recently received a bit of spam on my posts so will now be moderating any comments - and not allowing anonymous commenting. I hope that will help me stay on top of replies.