
Sunday, April 28, 2013

I'm back

Screen Free Week was a success. The kids managed to go the whole week without screentime. I did have to spend some time checking emails regarding events for the week, but ignored the other 162 messages I received. I spent some of last week unsubscribing to a lot of services I really don't need.

I'm also trying to get back to a better habit of scheduling my own screen time - check emails when I first wake up, and once in the afternoon, respond to anything that needs an immediate response, and leave the rest til after kids are in school or in bed. I find if I do that I end up spending less time overall reading emails, and since very little of what I receive is urgent I don't need to check it obsessively. Similar schedule for Facebook. I hardly checked Pinterest at all and probably didn't miss much. I still think it's a great resource but would rather use it more as a search engine to get ideas rather than going through everything people repinned.

Thursday and Friday were a bit challenging as school was canceled due to a big rainstorm we got that flooded a lot of our area. We fared pretty well, just a little wet carpet in part of our basement.

I didn't get to many of the projects I was hoping to tackle unfortunately. This week is going to be a week of crazy to do lists with my Lia Sophia party Friday night and then Little Man & Little Hugger's party at Chuck E Cheese on Saturday. I've spent the last week testing recipes and sparkling wines for the party, which has been fun. At this point I'm expecting about 15 people and still waiting to hear from a few more. I won't have much time to post this week as I work on getting our house ready and shopping for birthday presents.

Time to go review my guest lists, finalize my to do lists and shopping lists and get to work.


  1. I have designated weekends and no online time for myself, and love it. Although I don't like going through the emails on Monday. The few times I have tried zero screen times for my kids I have been pleasantly surprised. They don't miss it after the first day or two and seem to get along better. Good for you. Everyone should give it a try at least once!

    1. Good for you staying offline on the weekends - I don't think I could do that as I tend to do most of my surfing when kids are entertaining themselves.

      It's true, most kids adapt pretty quickly without screen time, which is why everyone *should* try it.

  2. I know how you feel is nice to see you back :)
    Vintage Inspired Girls

  3. Glad the storm damage wasn't too much, and go get 'em with the parties this weekend!

  4. Thanks ladies, looking forward to this weekend, and then getting back on track here.


I love all your comments, but admittedly have been a slacker about replying to all your kind words. I've recently received a bit of spam on my posts so will now be moderating any comments - and not allowing anonymous commenting. I hope that will help me stay on top of replies.