
Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break Recap

Kids are all happily back in school, and despite the cool weather we had a good spring break. Friday we went to the library and loaded up on books. Over the weekend we sorted through closets and put away anything kids have outgrown.

Monday we went to the Tree House and then a late lunch at California Pizza Kitchen

Tuesday, Little Man had his sports class and Little Reader joined him playing dodgeball

Wednesday we went to the Chicago History Museum. It's a pretty kid friendly museum with lots of hands on stuff. The actual kids area is pretty small, but has a big hot dog to lie in, an old fashioned bicycle you can climb and an area where you can make a postcard to email to friends and family. My kids were fascinated with the artifacts from the Chicago Fire, and enjoyed going into the old L car. Little Reader's next unit in social studies is on the history of Chicago so she was interested in a lot of the different exhibits, and reading a lot of the different descriptions. Little Man got a bit antsy towards the end. Had it been a nicer day I would have let them run in Lincoln Park when we were done, but it was too windy. Still a nice day and they all were eager to tell my husband what they had learned.

Thursday was another stay at home day followed by Green Day. 

Friday we went down to the Art Institute. We took the L down as usual, which Little Man always loves. Both my daughters wanted to see the Thorne Rooms, and Little Hugger specifically asked to see "those paintings of faces where all the parts are in the wrong place". As luck would have it, there was a special exhibit on Picasso and Chicago ; ) She took a ton of pictures as usual. Taking Little Man to art exhibits can be tough and it was pretty crowded as the exhibit just opened a couple of weeks ago, but he did pretty well. The exhibit was a retrospective of Picasso's work, with an emphasis on his Chicago connections. He never actually visited Chicago, but one of our most well known pieces of public art is the Picasso sculpture in front of the Daley Center.

Little Man's favorite part was illustrations of animals that Picasso had done for a book. There were about 12 of them. Little Reader read a bit of the blurbs around the room that put the exhibit into context.

Sunday of course was Easter, and as I've said before we're not religious so it's all about dying eggs, and eating chocolate and jelly beans.

Still since Little Reader has had quite a few questions over the years about the meaning of Easter, I had her pick up a book about it at the library. I should probably read it too as a refresher.

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