
Monday, July 15, 2013

Frontier Days - 10k Stampede

The weekend we came back from our trip I ran another 10k.  My goal this time was to run it in an hour and I just managed - official time 1:00.08

The course wound around the residential neighborhoods of Arlington Heights.  A similar route to my previous 10k but not exactly the same (although the start and finish were in the same places).

I had a couple of strategies to keep me on pace and I'm glad they worked
1.  Be closer to the front of the pack at the starting line (but not so far up I'd get stampeded by the faster runners)
2.  Use Endomondo to help me know how far ahead/behind I was at each mile compared to my previous time. 
3.  Stay towards the side of the course for the turns to help shave off a little time
4.   Drink my Nuun along the way, but use the water from the water stations to dump on my head and stay cool. 
5.  Now that I knew where the finish line really was I was better able to speed up at the finish (without running out of gas too early).

I would love to finish in a sub hour time for the next one and am trying to find one for after my half - maybe the Monster Dash?  I figure it'll be a good one as it'll be pretty much the same course as my half just shorter.

These races are fun and definitely help keep me motivated but I'm really looking forward to the next one when I get my first medal.  I know the sense of accomplishment is a reward in itself but a little bling to show off would be cool too

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