
Monday, May 5, 2014

When Everyday Is Saturday

We met with our financial advisor the other night for a review.  My husband wanted to know if we needed to plan for the best/worst case scenario for our future were we on track and if not what would we need to do.  

So what is the scenario I mean?
- 4 year private college for all 3 kids no scholarships (hurray, they get in to good schools, but they cost a fortune)
- he or I live til the ripe old age of 95 (which is what advisors are recommending you plan for)
- have enough saved to be able to retire at 62 at which point everyday is Saturday. 

What do I mean by everyday is Saturday?  Think about it, what do you on Saturdays?  Eat out for breakfast lunch or dinner?  Take the kids on an outing somewhere? Go shopping.  All the fun stuff you don't have time to do during the week right?  So once you're retired there will be nothing stopping you from treating each day like Saturday - except $ of course.  So the idea of your expenses going down during retirement not necessarily true.

So, what do we need to do to make all this come true? An extra 6400 per month in various investment vehicles. Yikes!! And how how do we do that and still enjoy life now?  

My husband still has med school loans which won't officially be paid off til August 2033 (when he's 60 - yikes again) and all three kids are out of college. Seriously, we'll be paying his loans and tuition bills at the same time.  Hopefully as we get closer to that time we can just make a lump sum payment and get the student loans over with, but with interest rates being do low, it's not really worth it.  

So where is this money supposed to come from?  Hopefully my husband income will continue to rise, but with all the changes in healthcare these days, who knows.  I keep reminding my husband that these docs he knows who retired at 55 also were docs in the 80s when compensation was very different.  

Anyway, Little Man starts Kindergarten in the fall so I could try to find something part time or work from home that I could ramp up once he's in first grade the following year, but what would that be?

In my pre-Mom days I worked in incentive travel - planning trips for groups of 50 to 500 people.  Fun job, but lots of overtime and a few weekends a year of travel - wouldn't really work with kids, and the pay sucked.  

So my question to all of you med-spouses with kids?  Do you work and if so what do you do?  Any ideas for me?  I am considering direct sales as anyone who has read my blog before knows, but I also know that's not enough.  


  1. Get a job you enjoy. It will work out. I took two years off when the kids hit high school and now work a start-up. We lived frugally for ten years and paid off the educational loans ahead of time. Now, we're paying two college educations, two private high school tuitions, and two mortgages. Some how it all works out. I'm not quite sure how it's all working out, but it does!

  2. Thanks for linking up this post with Medical Mondays. I was hoping you had the answer! We are in the same boat and well, the money has to come from somewhere.... or we just work a lot longer than planned.


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