
Friday, November 2, 2012

November Goals

1. Buy all advent calendar stuff.  24 days x 3 kids is a lot of stuff.  I like to have it all bought before Dec 1 so I can plan what to give when.  I may need to make a printable to keep it all straight ; )

2. Plan Christmas gift shopping and budget.  My Santa app is a big help, I just wish it had a bar code scanner.

3. Keep running.  3 miles 2-3 times a week should be doable. No more long runs, I'll start that up again when the weather gets better.

4. Give the house a good deep cleaning.  We have both sets of parents coming in over the holidays and ideally if I pick one task a day of deep cleaning, then the pre guest cleaning won't be so bad.  I've got a bunch of printables from other sites, just need to start using them.

5. Make curtain for laundry area.  The sliding doors have finally annoyed me so much that I removed them, which makes the space easier to access, but it's an eyesore.

6. Sew flannel duvet cover for Little Hugger.

7. Get passports for the kids


  1. Thanks for reminding me I should make some goals... and maybe not wait until January! Good luck with the Hot Chocolate Race - sounds like fun:-)

  2. I definitely need to start working on my Christmas shopping. Ugh. It gives me anxiety each year!

    Thanks for linking up!

  3. i think i need to know about this santa app! i need to work on my christmas shopping as well... i just bought my first presents last night... im normally almost done by now!

    thanks for linking up with us... im sorry im SO late reading this! good luck :)

    1. There are a few apps, but the one I use is called Better Christmas list and was just $1


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