
Friday, November 2, 2012

October Goals Wrapup

Ok, so I'm a little behind as we got busy around Halloween and are now coming down from the sugar high and time to get back on track before the holidays.  Yes, they are coming.  I was in Michaels this morning and while I was glad that most of the creepy spiders were gone, and I like that the stocking stuffers are coming out so I can start planning my advent calendar goodies, I was not ready to hear "Silver Bells" playing over the stereo system.

Anyway, here were my goals for October and my results

- Sew Comforter for Little Readers Build A Bear Bed - Done, and it was really easy as the piece of fabric I had just happened to be the perfect size for the bed.  

- Refinance Car - Done and we'll be saving about $300 a month, and get this month off as the paperwork is still being processed. Sweet
- Hot Chocolate Race Training - I'm ready.  Its going to be cold this weekend, but I know I can do the distance with brief intervals of walking between each mile of running.  I have my cold weather gear, I have my Bon Jovi playlist set with power songs in the appropriate spots, I'm going down to the expo today to get my packet and figure out the best place to park.  
- Finish putting photo albums together - I'm almost caught up.  All photos through August are in.  I do need to go to Archivers and get more stickers but have been too busy running to go over there.
- Start planning Christmas shopping - I found a great Santa app that lets you enter info (and pictures) about gifts for all the people on your list and helps you stay on track and on budget
- Organize and file away CDs. - I got most of them done.  Down to one bag.  My husband is slowly going through it. 
- Weatherproof Little Man's room - 95% done.  My husband filled in most of the gaps in the attic insulation, and I just got more today so he can finish up this weekend.  It's getting better, but I think the real fix would be new windows - not happening for a while.

1 comment:

  1. yayy for saving money, that's awesome!!

    i need to look up this santa app... i've heard about it several times now!

    thanks for linking up with us... im sorry im SO late reading this! good luck :)


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