
Running Results & Goals

11/5/12 - Hot Chocolate 15k - 1:34:08 - 10:07 mph pace

5/11/13 - Together Forever 5k  - 27:34 - 8:59 mph pace (2nd in my age group and 58th out of 304 total)

5/26/13 - Got Freedom 10k 1:01:48 - 9:58 mph pace

7/7/13 - Frontier Days 10k stampede - 1:00:08 - 9:41 pace

8/25/13 - Fort 2 Base (10NM = 11.5 miles) - 1:56:32 - 10:08 pace

9/22/13 - Women Rock Chicago - Half Marathon - 2:21:50 - 10:25 pace

Upcoming Races
10/19/13 - St. Eugene Trot N Treat - 5k - my daughter wanted to do a 5k, so we're doing this one together
11/9/13 - Navy Pier Perfect 10 - 10k or 10m

Races I'm considering - Races keep me motivated so I'm trying to find one a month to keep me on track.
5/9/14 Together Forever 5k
5/26/14 - Soldier Field 10 miler
8/24/14 - Fort 2 Base 11.5 miler


  1. That's awesome! I just took up running last year starting with the C25K. It totally worked and I ran my first 5 km almost a year ago. I did the P90X earlier this year and I'm now redoing some of it alongside of running trying to build up some strength. I'm feeling aimless with my running right now and I like your idea of setting up concrete goals.

    I'm visiting from the MMM Hop and I'm now following you. Would love for you to visit us.


    1. Thanks for following. I ran a little in high school but never did any races and got bored after not too long. Pushing myself to reach different goals is really helping keep me going.

      I love your site. I've got 3 voracious readers in the house (8, 6 and 3) so am always looking for new books.

    2. It's true - it's all about setting different fitness goals. I really like to mix it up too, but I always go back to running. I really enjoy it!

    3. Oh, I also wanted to let you know that there is an error message when I try to subscribe by email to this post. It happened last time I visited too.

    4. Thanks for the heads up. I'll look into it.


I love all your comments, but admittedly have been a slacker about replying to all your kind words. I've recently received a bit of spam on my posts so will now be moderating any comments - and not allowing anonymous commenting. I hope that will help me stay on top of replies.