1. Buy all advent calendar stuff. DONE
2. Plan Christmas gift shopping and budget. DONE and have even started shopping
3. Keep running. 3 miles 2-3 times a week should be doable. No more long runs, I'll start that up again when the weather gets better. BIG fail here. I ran my 15 k and have barely run since, mostly because I've been using my kidless time to take care of the first two goals.
4. Give the house a good deep cleaning. I have done about half the house.
5. Make curtain for laundry area. Nope. Will have to tackle this one this month
6. Sew flannel duvet cover for Little Hugger. DONE. Now she's all warm and snuggled.
7. Get passports for the kids. Applied for 1 set and have an appointment for the US ones in January. My husband has to be there for those.
So not too bad, but not great
Friday, November 30, 2012
Christmas Is Coming
Christmas is my favorite time of year. While I get annoyed when stores decorate and play Christmas music before Thanksgiving (or even Halloween), once Thanksgiving has passed it's time to celebrate the Christmas season. And to me it really is a season not a day. It's about the feeling of being with family and friends. It's about all that winter time nesting, staying in and working on crafts and baking because it's too cold to go outside.
My husband put up all some of our outdoor lights this past weekend, and plans on finishing this weekend. Yesterday my kids and I decorated our house. Here's one of my little helpers. Our decorations are a mix of store bought and stuff that the kids have created over the years.
We get a real tree so will wait on that for another couple of weeks, although my husband and daughters will be selling trees at our local tree lot tomorrow along with other members of their Indian Princess tribe.
Stockings are all hung up ready for my modified advent calendar tradition to start on the 1st. More on that in a future post.
I'm looking forward to starting baking this weekend, just have to figure out what the first batch is going to be. I've found so many great recipes on Pinterest recently I'm a little overwhelmed.
Over the next few weeks my posts will mostly be about Christmas - favorite traditions, crafts, recipes etc. If you love Christmas as much as I do, follow along, and share your favorites too.

We get a real tree so will wait on that for another couple of weeks, although my husband and daughters will be selling trees at our local tree lot tomorrow along with other members of their Indian Princess tribe.
Stockings are all hung up ready for my modified advent calendar tradition to start on the 1st. More on that in a future post.

Over the next few weeks my posts will mostly be about Christmas - favorite traditions, crafts, recipes etc. If you love Christmas as much as I do, follow along, and share your favorites too.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Swedish Apple Pie
This is my go to dessert when I need to bring one to a fall pot luck. I've brought it to every Thanksgiving I've attended since my friend first gave me the recipe almost 15 years ago. It's super easy as it is more of a crisp than a pie, and is always well received. For the record, I am not Swedish, neither is my friend, so not sure where the name is from. She got it from a Girl Scout cookbook her troop put together.
5-6 Macintosh apples
5-6 Macintosh apples
2 sticks butter
1 egg
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
Preheat oven to 350. Peel, core and cut apples into chunks. Put into a 9x9 baking dish.
Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar so all apples are covered.
Combine egg, flour and sugar. Melt the butter and add that to the sugar mixture.
Pour on top of the apples to cover. Spread out the flour/sugar mixture with a spatula if needed.
Sprinkle with more cinnamon sugar.
Bake for 35-45 minutes (until golden brown) and a little crisp on the edges.
Let cool a little and serve with vanilla ice cream
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Slacker Blogger
OK, I admit it. I've been a totally slacker blogger the past week or so, but on the upside I've been extremely productive in every other aspect of life. So what have I been doing? Mostly getting ready for my favorite time of year. Usually I get pretty stressed out this time of year as money has been tight at this point the past couple of years. This year we're in a much better place as my husband already got his Christmas bonus instead of having to wait til mid December. I'm trying hard not to go overboard. Most of the money we plan on using to pay down debt, but it's nice to have flexibility and not have to charge everything like I did last year. I can't remember the last time I had already started Christmas shopping in November.
To get ready for cold weather and the holidays I've sewn the flannel comforter cover for Little Reader. I've been doing some serious cleaning to help get ready for our parents to come visit for the holidays so I don't have to spend the final weekend before they arrive doing nothing but cleaning.
My kids get a little present in their stocking everyday until Christmas starting on December 1st. I try to buy a bunch all of the stuff before the month starts to minimize the stress, and as soon as I finish this post I need to organize the stuff and see how much more I need to buy.
To get ready for cold weather and the holidays I've sewn the flannel comforter cover for Little Reader. I've been doing some serious cleaning to help get ready for our parents to come visit for the holidays so I don't have to spend the final weekend before they arrive doing nothing but cleaning.
My kids get a little present in their stocking everyday until Christmas starting on December 1st. I try to buy a bunch all of the stuff before the month starts to minimize the stress, and as soon as I finish this post I need to organize the stuff and see how much more I need to buy.
Monday, November 26, 2012
My Thanksgiving Book
I know everyone is gearing up for Christmas now, but my son brought this Thanksgiving book home from school today and it was too cute not to share. They made a different page each day, each one pretty easy although probably needing some help from the teachers since he's only 3.
Each page is really simple but still very cute
Each page is really simple but still very cute
Friday, November 23, 2012
What I'm Thankful For
I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. I did. My goal today is to stay home and avoid the craziness of Black Friday at all costs.
I have a post about what I'm thankful for over at Chicagoland Moms Blog. Check it out.
I have a post about what I'm thankful for over at Chicagoland Moms Blog. Check it out.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Trip downtown
The kids are off of school all week this week, so I decided to use yesterday as the day to get their passports. The weather was good, so we took the L to get downtown which was much easier (and cheaper) than parking, and felt like an adventure to them as we hardly ever do it.
Our consulate is in the Hancock building which the kids got excited about, to get to go a building they've walked by many times but never been inside. They got kind of antsy during our meeting at the consulate but I told them if they behaved I'd show them something special in the basement. That helped get them settled down for a little bit.
Finally we were done with the paperwork and headed downstairs. They have an elaborate and FREE train setup in the lower level. It really was quite impressive and the kids loved it. We probably spent 20 minutes there looking at all the details.
We went to M Burger in Water Tower for lunch. It's a Lettuce Entertain You place, but fast food style. We got basic plain cheeseburgers (because that's what we wanted, you can make them more interesting) and fries. They were pretty decent for the price and speed. It's not Blackies, but definitely a step up from the usual chains which I avoid at all costs.
Since we were in Water Tower we stopped at the Lego store and American Girl. Little Reader spent a lot of time studying the different dolls to figure out which one she wants. She's leaning towards 57, but wants to go on line to see of they have something better. I could tell Little Hugger was starting to get interested in them too but luckily as soon as Little Reader pointed out that they were for 8 year old + she stopped and focused on their little pets. Thank God. Bad enough that I'll have to get one, I did not want to get two. The worst part is that this $105 doll is dressed but it's a pretty lame outfit, basically forcing you to buy an outfit as well (another $30). I tried to impress all this upon her today, that if Santa is so generous as to bring her one, she's may have to purchase future outfits accessories using her own money. Once she saw the grand piano for the doll and saw that it cost $150 she understood ;)

I still needed to get the title transferred to the car we refinanced, so we hopped on the bus and headed down to the Loop to the Thompson Building. I let them play at the Dubuffet for a little bit hoping to get the wiggles out before dealing with the DMV.
They thought the building was really cool but got bored pretty fast at the DMV. Luckily we got through there relatively quickly.
Kids wanted another snack before getting back on the train to head home. We picked up some drinks, cheeses rocks and grapes at Walgreens and sat in a little courtyard between some of the buildings. Quick stop at the Renaissance hotel to use the washroom before getting back in the Red Line home.
All in all a good day. I got the things done that I needed to do and the kids had fun. On the way home I noticed a FB comment from a friend about a gingerbread display at the Marriott on Michigan Avenue. Oh well, we'll have to save that for next time.

Finally we were done with the paperwork and headed downstairs. They have an elaborate and FREE train setup in the lower level. It really was quite impressive and the kids loved it. We probably spent 20 minutes there looking at all the details.
We went to M Burger in Water Tower for lunch. It's a Lettuce Entertain You place, but fast food style. We got basic plain cheeseburgers (because that's what we wanted, you can make them more interesting) and fries. They were pretty decent for the price and speed. It's not Blackies, but definitely a step up from the usual chains which I avoid at all costs.
Since we were in Water Tower we stopped at the Lego store and American Girl. Little Reader spent a lot of time studying the different dolls to figure out which one she wants. She's leaning towards 57, but wants to go on line to see of they have something better. I could tell Little Hugger was starting to get interested in them too but luckily as soon as Little Reader pointed out that they were for 8 year old + she stopped and focused on their little pets. Thank God. Bad enough that I'll have to get one, I did not want to get two. The worst part is that this $105 doll is dressed but it's a pretty lame outfit, basically forcing you to buy an outfit as well (another $30). I tried to impress all this upon her today, that if Santa is so generous as to bring her one, she's may have to purchase future outfits accessories using her own money. Once she saw the grand piano for the doll and saw that it cost $150 she understood ;)
They thought the building was really cool but got bored pretty fast at the DMV. Luckily we got through there relatively quickly.
Kids wanted another snack before getting back on the train to head home. We picked up some drinks, cheeses rocks and grapes at Walgreens and sat in a little courtyard between some of the buildings. Quick stop at the Renaissance hotel to use the washroom before getting back in the Red Line home.
All in all a good day. I got the things done that I needed to do and the kids had fun. On the way home I noticed a FB comment from a friend about a gingerbread display at the Marriott on Michigan Avenue. Oh well, we'll have to save that for next time.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Killer Critique
Anyway, this is the third in a series of Capucine mysteries. I like mysteries but I'm not a foodie so probably wouldn't have picked this up if I hadn't known the author.
Capucine is a detective on the Paris police force. Her husband Alexandre is a food critic. The books starts off with a prominent food critic being murdered in a restaurant. Capucine is assigned to the case.
Not long after a second critic is murdered also while dining out. Theories of a serial killer quickly spread. Capucine begins to worry about her own husband and wonders if he is also a target.
After the third murder she figured out who the killer is, but struggled to find proof. In order to prove her theory they set up an elaborate trap at the reopening of the Jules Verne restaurant on the Eiffel Tower. The ending while plausible is a bit anticlimactic, as it doesn't really explain in detail how the murders were committed leaving the reader to assume the earlier theories are correct. I prefer getting a little recap of the how at the end of a mystery.
Since the author's background is in food and his target audience are foodies, there are quite a few details of the meals prepared and consumed throughout the book. These parts were for the most part wasted on me. I've eaten crazy concoctions off of tasting menus at renowned restaurants but I much prefer a good steak.

While most authors do end up sharing their opinions in aspects of the story, there were parts where I thought the author's disdain for certain things were too abundantly clear. The current French president and his young wife, and a restaurant where patrons eat in the dark to experience what it is like to be blind are two examples.
At times I feel like the author tried too hard to create interesting characters. That may sound like a weird critique, but just as flat characters are boring, some of his characters were so over the top some of them didn't really make sense - Vavasseur being one of them. When Capucine tells her brother Jacques that she is having trouble with the case, he introduces her to a man named Vavasseur who lives in a tunnel along the Seine. Whenever she comes she brings gourmet food supposedly provided by social services, and he provides the wine (which he keeps chilled in the river) They talk about the case but also about other things which all help Capucine solve the case. I'm not saying homeless people can't be intelligent, but the author seemed to go over the top with portraying Vavasseur as an intelligent refined man, but then never gives a reason for his current situation. Maybe he already has plans for him to develop this character more in a future book and provide more of his back story.
Bottom line, if you're a foodie or a Francophile you may enjoy this. If not, I'd say skip it.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Girls Night Out
Monday night I went out to dinner with 4 friends for a far too infrequent girls night out. We all know each other through my friend who is getting divorced. She wasn't able to make it, and in a way that was better. This was the first time we'd all gotten together since getting the news and we all needed to talk through it. We all have known both sides for a long time and I admit there are other members of the group who will have a much harder time with this than I am.
Our little group was made up of
- her sister in law
- the wife of her close friend (and former high school boyfriend) who used to be roommates with the husband
- the wife of her good friend from college
- the sister of her college roommates exhusband
- me
Obviously the first two are the most conflicted. We all agreed that we don't have any desire to socialize with the new guy. Although one of our group actually did meet him one night when they happened to go to a play on the same night. She wasn't impressed.
I think we would all have had an easier time with it if there was no infidelity involved. They have finally told their kids which apparently did not go well - no real surprise there.
We didn't spend the whole time gossiping about them, we also caught up on other happier topics. but it was therapeutic for all of us to talk about since we are all in the same boat, and like I mentioned she is the common friend that brought us all together.
The next few get togethers are going to be awkward no doubt. I hope as they make the transition to their new lives (they're still living in the same house) things will get easier, but I think we're slowly working our way through the stages of grief and now are mostly in the anger phase. Next apparently is sadness and then finally acceptance and hope.
I'm sad for the kids having to be dealing with this all right as the holidays are coming up. It's going to rough for all of them, but I hope they make it through ok.
Since it was a Monday night it was a fairly early night, I was home by 10. My husband was initially surprised that I was home so early, but as I told him women can cover more in two hours than men will in a month ;)
We all decided we need to make these get togethers more frequent and hopefully we will make it work.
Our little group was made up of
- her sister in law
- the wife of her close friend (and former high school boyfriend) who used to be roommates with the husband
- the wife of her good friend from college
- the sister of her college roommates exhusband
- me
Obviously the first two are the most conflicted. We all agreed that we don't have any desire to socialize with the new guy. Although one of our group actually did meet him one night when they happened to go to a play on the same night. She wasn't impressed.
I think we would all have had an easier time with it if there was no infidelity involved. They have finally told their kids which apparently did not go well - no real surprise there.
We didn't spend the whole time gossiping about them, we also caught up on other happier topics. but it was therapeutic for all of us to talk about since we are all in the same boat, and like I mentioned she is the common friend that brought us all together.
The next few get togethers are going to be awkward no doubt. I hope as they make the transition to their new lives (they're still living in the same house) things will get easier, but I think we're slowly working our way through the stages of grief and now are mostly in the anger phase. Next apparently is sadness and then finally acceptance and hope.
I'm sad for the kids having to be dealing with this all right as the holidays are coming up. It's going to rough for all of them, but I hope they make it through ok.
Since it was a Monday night it was a fairly early night, I was home by 10. My husband was initially surprised that I was home so early, but as I told him women can cover more in two hours than men will in a month ;)
We all decided we need to make these get togethers more frequent and hopefully we will make it work.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
American Girl
My daughters are 8 and 6 and thankfully have shown no interest in American Girl dolls. They've been to a birthday party there (they brought their teddy bears). Little Reader likes the books, and until now that was it, and that was just fine with me. I never liked dolls growing up, I preferred my snuggle buddies as we call them in our house. My daughters seemed to be following my lead until I asked them to write up their Christmas wish lists.
Little Reader wants an American Girl doll that looks like her. She specifically said she's going to ask Santa for it as I had mentioned before that they are pretty expensive.
Here's the problem. So far it's her only Santa wish, and if she had shown interest in dolls in the past I wouldn't think twice about it, as she does take good care of her things. The problem is I really don't think she'll play with it that much. I also know her well enough that if I push that opinion she'll say even more that she wants it. Also I know that like me she thinks about things a lot before she verbalizes them, so has pretty much made up her mind.
So, what's my plan? Well as luck would have it, between her and her sister they have 3 birthday parties coming up. Today we're going shopping for the gift for the first one. Normally I go to Target but today I plan on taking them to Toys R Us. My hope is that she'll see something else and will change her mind about the AG doll. Wish me luck.
Little Reader wants an American Girl doll that looks like her. She specifically said she's going to ask Santa for it as I had mentioned before that they are pretty expensive.
Here's the problem. So far it's her only Santa wish, and if she had shown interest in dolls in the past I wouldn't think twice about it, as she does take good care of her things. The problem is I really don't think she'll play with it that much. I also know her well enough that if I push that opinion she'll say even more that she wants it. Also I know that like me she thinks about things a lot before she verbalizes them, so has pretty much made up her mind.
So, what's my plan? Well as luck would have it, between her and her sister they have 3 birthday parties coming up. Today we're going shopping for the gift for the first one. Normally I go to Target but today I plan on taking them to Toys R Us. My hope is that she'll see something else and will change her mind about the AG doll. Wish me luck.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
A Good Weekend
This weekend my husband took our daughters on their fall Indian Princess campout. They left after breakfast on Saturday (actually Little Reader made breakfast for all 3 of them so my husband and I got to sleep in). She did this all on her own, which was a nice and much appreciated surprise. Granted it was just microwave pancakes and milk, but still, I got to stay in bed an extra 15 minutes - that's priceless :)
Little Man is doing pretty well on the eating front, but I had told him Friday night that that Saturday morning he would have to have some banana. He used to love banana baby food, for some reason he doesn't like real bananas. I told him that he could have the banana on a graham cracker with peanut butter (his favorite snack), but I wasn't going to play with him or have us do anything fun until he ate some banana. That may sound harsh but his feeding issues are purely stubbornness at this point so I have to be equally stubborn.
The good thing was I got a bunch of laundry and cleaning done while he pouted. Finally around lunch time, he caved, and ate it. After lunch we went back to the indoor playground. We got there at 2 and there was a birthday party scheduled for 3 which ended up being perfect. He played for an hour and once the party guests arrived we went back home. It was pretty warm out so we spent time outside playing and winterizing the yard.
That night after dinner I let him pick a movie. No big surprise he picked Cars. He's only seen it once or twice before and kept asking when Lightning was going to race. All that plot development and character building stuff wasn't very interesting to a 3 year old ; ) But once the racing started, he started cheering for Lightning. Then I had to explain why Lightning would choose to lose the race and help another car.
After I tucked him in I watched Scandal from Thursday night - one of the few shows I watch and one my husband isn't at all interested in. I started watching it cause of Josh Malina (David Rosen on the show). I always liked Josh on West Wing and Sports Night and so far am enjoying Scandal. I found out via Facebook that a friend of mine in 7-8th grade is his younger sister. You know what that means right? I'm 3 degrees from Kevin Bacon.
This morning, Little Man woke up around 745 a bit confused as his sisters usually wake up first and this morning the house was quiet. We had a quiet morning and the rest of the family came home after lunch. They were all very sleepy after staying up well past midnight but I could also tell that they were up to something when I helped them unload the car.
Sure enough when I came inside with a few last things from the car, they started singing Happy Birthday and had a cake and cards for me. My birthday isn't actually until Wednesday but Little Man has a Thanksgiving sing at school that night and next weekend my husband is on call, so better early than late :)
The rest of the day was spent catching up and getting ready for the week ahead, the kids all crashed pretty quickly after being up late Saturday night, which left my husband to catch up on his fantasy football and me to finish my book. A good mellow recharging weekend before the holiday craziness begins.
Little Man is doing pretty well on the eating front, but I had told him Friday night that that Saturday morning he would have to have some banana. He used to love banana baby food, for some reason he doesn't like real bananas. I told him that he could have the banana on a graham cracker with peanut butter (his favorite snack), but I wasn't going to play with him or have us do anything fun until he ate some banana. That may sound harsh but his feeding issues are purely stubbornness at this point so I have to be equally stubborn.
The good thing was I got a bunch of laundry and cleaning done while he pouted. Finally around lunch time, he caved, and ate it. After lunch we went back to the indoor playground. We got there at 2 and there was a birthday party scheduled for 3 which ended up being perfect. He played for an hour and once the party guests arrived we went back home. It was pretty warm out so we spent time outside playing and winterizing the yard.
That night after dinner I let him pick a movie. No big surprise he picked Cars. He's only seen it once or twice before and kept asking when Lightning was going to race. All that plot development and character building stuff wasn't very interesting to a 3 year old ; ) But once the racing started, he started cheering for Lightning. Then I had to explain why Lightning would choose to lose the race and help another car.
After I tucked him in I watched Scandal from Thursday night - one of the few shows I watch and one my husband isn't at all interested in. I started watching it cause of Josh Malina (David Rosen on the show). I always liked Josh on West Wing and Sports Night and so far am enjoying Scandal. I found out via Facebook that a friend of mine in 7-8th grade is his younger sister. You know what that means right? I'm 3 degrees from Kevin Bacon.
This morning, Little Man woke up around 745 a bit confused as his sisters usually wake up first and this morning the house was quiet. We had a quiet morning and the rest of the family came home after lunch. They were all very sleepy after staying up well past midnight but I could also tell that they were up to something when I helped them unload the car.
Sure enough when I came inside with a few last things from the car, they started singing Happy Birthday and had a cake and cards for me. My birthday isn't actually until Wednesday but Little Man has a Thanksgiving sing at school that night and next weekend my husband is on call, so better early than late :)
The rest of the day was spent catching up and getting ready for the week ahead, the kids all crashed pretty quickly after being up late Saturday night, which left my husband to catch up on his fantasy football and me to finish my book. A good mellow recharging weekend before the holiday craziness begins.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
My First Award
I've been a delinquent blogger. When I first started blogging I wondered how people got all these awards. Then I got one and it's taken me about a month to actually respond. Anyway, I am finally spreading the bloggy love. I received the Versatile Blogger Award from Holly over at My Life, as Mommy & Wife
Here are the rules for the Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Add the award to your blog.
My 7 Random Facts:
My 7 Nominees:
Make sure you stop by their lovely blogs before you leave!!
My first award - Yay!! Thank you, Holly, and so sorry for the delay.
Here are the rules for the Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Add the award to your blog.
2. Thank the person who presented it to you.
3. List seven random facts about yourself.
4. List the rules.
5. Pass the award onto seven other bloggers.
6. Inform each blogger they have won by posting a comment on their blog.
My 7 Random Facts:
1. I can't swim and have no desire to learn.
2. My blog pseudonym is the name I used to use for myself when my friend and I
would pretend we were rockstars and sing in our bedrooms.
3. I used to be obsessed with Michael J Fox (until I literally outgrew him).
He's 5'4", I'm 5'6".
4. According to Myers Briggs, I'm an INTJ.
According to an old boss, my work style is passive aggressive.
Both are right on.
5. I have such a severe fear of spiders, I had to cancel my subscription to National Geographic.
Those pictures were just too real looking.
6. I don't like coffee but can't get through the day without at least 2 cans of Coke.
7. I love getting rid of things - either donating or throwing away if it can't be used.
Unfortunately for my family, I'm better at purging their stuff than my own.
2. My blog pseudonym is the name I used to use for myself when my friend and I
would pretend we were rockstars and sing in our bedrooms.
3. I used to be obsessed with Michael J Fox (until I literally outgrew him).
He's 5'4", I'm 5'6".
4. According to Myers Briggs, I'm an INTJ.
According to an old boss, my work style is passive aggressive.
Both are right on.
5. I have such a severe fear of spiders, I had to cancel my subscription to National Geographic.
Those pictures were just too real looking.
6. I don't like coffee but can't get through the day without at least 2 cans of Coke.
7. I love getting rid of things - either donating or throwing away if it can't be used.
Unfortunately for my family, I'm better at purging their stuff than my own.
My 7 Nominees:
The Perfect Compilation Tape
Scattered Squirrel
Nest Your Best
Second Chance To Dream
My {Not So} Glamourous Life
Dawn's Disaster
The Domesticated Princess
Scattered Squirrel
Nest Your Best
Second Chance To Dream
My {Not So} Glamourous Life
Dawn's Disaster
The Domesticated Princess
Make sure you stop by their lovely blogs before you leave!!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Mt Prospect Recplex Indoor Playground
Since my oldest is 8 I figured that by this point I had been to or at least heard of all of the indoor play areas around me. Yesterday I found another one.
Inside of the Mt Prospect Recplex is an indoor playground. It has a climbing structure, slide and ball pit. Kids are supposed to be at least 3 and no taller than 48 inches, although I don't think anyone checks.
I took Little Man there and he loved it. We got there about 10 and ended up staying for two hours! There weren't a ton of kids there (maybe 8 at the most) even though the weather was kind of blah this morning.
It's located at 420 W Dempster in Mount Prospect and is open whenever the RecPlex is open - which on weekdays is 530am to 11pm.
The play area is not supervised. There are restrooms, vending machines and water fountains in the Recplex. Little Man had a lot of fun, and the price can't be beat for an indoor place. Best part, since it's about half way between us and Woodfield, I can use it as a reward for being good at the mall or a place to get the wiggles out before we get to the mall.
Inside of the Mt Prospect Recplex is an indoor playground. It has a climbing structure, slide and ball pit. Kids are supposed to be at least 3 and no taller than 48 inches, although I don't think anyone checks.
I took Little Man there and he loved it. We got there about 10 and ended up staying for two hours! There weren't a ton of kids there (maybe 8 at the most) even though the weather was kind of blah this morning.
It's located at 420 W Dempster in Mount Prospect and is open whenever the RecPlex is open - which on weekdays is 530am to 11pm.
The play area is not supervised. There are restrooms, vending machines and water fountains in the Recplex. Little Man had a lot of fun, and the price can't be beat for an indoor place. Best part, since it's about half way between us and Woodfield, I can use it as a reward for being good at the mall or a place to get the wiggles out before we get to the mall.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Two Lives, One Russia

It's a true story of a US News & World Report journalist - Nicholas Daniloff - who is stationed in Moscow. Daniloff is an American citizen of Russian descent. Towards the end of his posting there he is arrested by the KGB and imprisoned in the infamous Lefortovo prison. While in the Soviet Union Daniloff researched his family history. One of his ancestors Alexander Frolov was a Decembrist and was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg. The book alternates between Nicholas' experiences and Frolov's story. I don't usually read a lot of non-fiction as I find it can be very dry and tedious. This was not. It was engaging and the back and forth between the two men's stories and some parallel experiences worked well. There were some passages that were difficult to read due to the harsh realities of their stories, but that is a testament to how well this was written.
It's no spoiler to say that Nicholas did get out of Lefortovo - otherwise he obviously wouldn't have been able to publish the book. Even knowing that I felt myself worrying about him as I was reading it and wondering if he would get out. I'm not sure how easy this book is to find these days as it was published in 1988, but I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading about the Cold War.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Hot Chocolate 15k and Walk for Little City
Today I'm posting over at Chicagoland Moms Blog about this past weekend's Hot Chocolate - my 15k and the walk my kids did with my husband.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Halloween Candy Buyback
Last week we took the kids trick or treating and even though we only went to 2 blocks worth of houses, they each came home with about 100 pieces of candy. More than I would want them to eat. So rather than them eating it, my husband or I eating it all (cause I would never throw away perfectly good candy), we went to a local orthodontist yesterday and dropped it off as part of Operation Gratitude's Halloween Candy Buy Back program.
Each dentist can decide what they give the kids in exchange for the candy. This one gives one $1 coin for each pound of candy.
The kids love the dollar coins and thankfully agree with me that the troops deserve the treats as a small way of giving them a taste of home and letting them know that people appreciate them and their service.
It's always funny watching my kids sort through their stuff and decide what to keep and what to donate. They each have a Ziploc box that they keep their treats in to pick from for Saturday treat day.
Little Reader is very methodical. She spreads out all her candy, groups everything by type, keeps one of each kind and donates the rest.
Little Man keeps all the chocolate unless it has nuts in it. He's not allergic, he just doesn't like nuts.
Little Hugger takes her time deciding and struggles through it. She keeps all her favorites, and slowly whittles down the rest. Usually it takes a few rounds for Little Hugger to weed out enough to get the box to close. She actually handed in the most candy this time earning $3, Little Reader got $2, Little Man was technically less than 1 pound but they were nice enough to round up for him.
Each dentist can decide what they give the kids in exchange for the candy. This one gives one $1 coin for each pound of candy.
The kids love the dollar coins and thankfully agree with me that the troops deserve the treats as a small way of giving them a taste of home and letting them know that people appreciate them and their service.
It's always funny watching my kids sort through their stuff and decide what to keep and what to donate. They each have a Ziploc box that they keep their treats in to pick from for Saturday treat day.
Little Reader is very methodical. She spreads out all her candy, groups everything by type, keeps one of each kind and donates the rest.
Little Man keeps all the chocolate unless it has nuts in it. He's not allergic, he just doesn't like nuts.
Little Hugger takes her time deciding and struggles through it. She keeps all her favorites, and slowly whittles down the rest. Usually it takes a few rounds for Little Hugger to weed out enough to get the box to close. She actually handed in the most candy this time earning $3, Little Reader got $2, Little Man was technically less than 1 pound but they were nice enough to round up for him.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Mom's Day Off
Saturday I took the day off. It's been a while but it was great. Since it's my birthday in a couple of weeks I decided to splurge a bit.
I spent 3 hours at the hair salon getting a very overdue cut and highlights. It's been almost two years since I last went. After being pampered and leaving feeling a few pounds lighter (since he cut off abut 8 inches), I headed over to 1154 Lill to order my new bag. They had a very helpful but not pushy salesperson. I ended up getting something different than I had originally planned on, but am really excited about it. I usually wear a backpack as that's easier with kids, but wanted something that is less Momish for those times when I am kidless. Also since I wear jeans a lot, I wanted something with some blue in it. All the bags are custom sewn in Chicago and I'll be able to pick it up in 3 weeks. I could have had it shipped, but I like to have an excuse to go downtown.
After that I did some window shopping for a while. I found lots of things I like at Banana Republic that I may need to add to my Christmas list.
Happy early birthday to me.

After that I did some window shopping for a while. I found lots of things I like at Banana Republic that I may need to add to my Christmas list.
Happy early birthday to me.
My First Real Race
I did it!! Got up at the ungodly hour of 5AM yesterday to head downtown before the sun had even risen to run 15k through the streets of Chicago. It was chilly in the beginning but standing in a corral full of people actually helped keep me warm until the official start.
My overall time was 1:34:09 which means a pace of 10:07
I came in 8375 overall. 745 out of 1657 for my age group, and 4932 out of 11258 women.
I'm pleased with my time and happy that I beat my previous "training" time of the same distance. I thought the crowds would slow me down, but actually I think they helped me stay on pace. The course was fun running mostly along Michigan Avenue and Lake Shore Drive. There were some brief parts where we were running under the bottom of McCormick Place which was a little dark, but when you're surrounded by other runners nothing's going to happen.
Not too shabby for my first race. My husband and my kids met me at the finish line holding the signs they had made at the expo and cheering for me. Then we went and got our big mug of chocolate goodies. Yes, I run for chocolate, and I'd do it again.
I'm still a little sore today so I'm taking a rest day, and after that I'll take the running day by day. I hope to continue at least 2 times a week through the winter but since I really prefer running outside over treadmills, I'm not sure how realistic that is through the Chicago winters.
My overall time was 1:34:09 which means a pace of 10:07
I came in 8375 overall. 745 out of 1657 for my age group, and 4932 out of 11258 women.
I'm pleased with my time and happy that I beat my previous "training" time of the same distance. I thought the crowds would slow me down, but actually I think they helped me stay on pace. The course was fun running mostly along Michigan Avenue and Lake Shore Drive. There were some brief parts where we were running under the bottom of McCormick Place which was a little dark, but when you're surrounded by other runners nothing's going to happen.
Not too shabby for my first race. My husband and my kids met me at the finish line holding the signs they had made at the expo and cheering for me. Then we went and got our big mug of chocolate goodies. Yes, I run for chocolate, and I'd do it again.
I'm still a little sore today so I'm taking a rest day, and after that I'll take the running day by day. I hope to continue at least 2 times a week through the winter but since I really prefer running outside over treadmills, I'm not sure how realistic that is through the Chicago winters.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Hot Chocolate Expo
I had been warned that the expo was a nightmare. Two separate friends went to pick up their packets for the charity walk for them and their kids and waited for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. One took time off from work ( so was kidless), the other had her youngest (3 yo) with her in a stroller. They both offered to pick our packets and drop them off at our house. I declined. I had told the kids I was going to take them to the expo and I wanted to see what it was like since this is my first race.
As the day went on FB was full of complaints about how badly the race management had planned this expo. Waits were still long at 330 when I picked the kids up at school. I brought snacks and warm clothes for them and we headed downtown. I was hoping to make it by 5 to avoid more people arriving after work to pick up their packets. We parked at 505. The line was down the length of the parking lot and then wrapped back around about half way. I was about to start giving the kids snacks when a guy waiting in line told me that they were letting people with kids in the back door. We went back there and sure enough scooted right in. We'd barely gotten inside when one of the race workers saw us and escorted us to the packet pickup so we could get our bags.
Now time for fun. Little Reader joined a game of musical chairs and won a hat, all three bounced in the bounce houses, they all made signs for me, and of course we had some hot chocolate.
By the time we left around 6 it was getting dark and the city was all lit up. It dawned on me that they had never seen the skyline at night. It was a very clear night so they really got to see Chicago at its best. They actually complained a bit when I headed West to get on the highway cause they couldn't see the buildings anymore.
So what could have been a miserable afternoon ended up being a lot of fun. The only bummer is I never got to use my ace in the hole. I had brought along some sidewalk chalk figuring if they got really bored standing in line they could color on the asphalt. Oh well, I'll save that for another time.
As the day went on FB was full of complaints about how badly the race management had planned this expo. Waits were still long at 330 when I picked the kids up at school. I brought snacks and warm clothes for them and we headed downtown. I was hoping to make it by 5 to avoid more people arriving after work to pick up their packets. We parked at 505. The line was down the length of the parking lot and then wrapped back around about half way. I was about to start giving the kids snacks when a guy waiting in line told me that they were letting people with kids in the back door. We went back there and sure enough scooted right in. We'd barely gotten inside when one of the race workers saw us and escorted us to the packet pickup so we could get our bags.
Now time for fun. Little Reader joined a game of musical chairs and won a hat, all three bounced in the bounce houses, they all made signs for me, and of course we had some hot chocolate.
By the time we left around 6 it was getting dark and the city was all lit up. It dawned on me that they had never seen the skyline at night. It was a very clear night so they really got to see Chicago at its best. They actually complained a bit when I headed West to get on the highway cause they couldn't see the buildings anymore.
So what could have been a miserable afternoon ended up being a lot of fun. The only bummer is I never got to use my ace in the hole. I had brought along some sidewalk chalk figuring if they got really bored standing in line they could color on the asphalt. Oh well, I'll save that for another time.
November Goals
1. Buy all advent calendar stuff. 24 days x 3 kids is a lot of stuff. I like to have it all bought before Dec 1 so I can plan what to give when. I may need to make a printable to keep it all straight ; )
2. Plan Christmas gift shopping and budget. My Santa app is a big help, I just wish it had a bar code scanner.
3. Keep running. 3 miles 2-3 times a week should be doable. No more long runs, I'll start that up again when the weather gets better.
4. Give the house a good deep cleaning. We have both sets of parents coming in over the holidays and ideally if I pick one task a day of deep cleaning, then the pre guest cleaning won't be so bad. I've got a bunch of printables from other sites, just need to start using them.
5. Make curtain for laundry area. The sliding doors have finally annoyed me so much that I removed them, which makes the space easier to access, but it's an eyesore.
6. Sew flannel duvet cover for Little Hugger.
7. Get passports for the kids
2. Plan Christmas gift shopping and budget. My Santa app is a big help, I just wish it had a bar code scanner.
3. Keep running. 3 miles 2-3 times a week should be doable. No more long runs, I'll start that up again when the weather gets better.
4. Give the house a good deep cleaning. We have both sets of parents coming in over the holidays and ideally if I pick one task a day of deep cleaning, then the pre guest cleaning won't be so bad. I've got a bunch of printables from other sites, just need to start using them.
5. Make curtain for laundry area. The sliding doors have finally annoyed me so much that I removed them, which makes the space easier to access, but it's an eyesore.
6. Sew flannel duvet cover for Little Hugger.
7. Get passports for the kids
October Goals Wrapup
Ok, so I'm a little behind as we got busy around Halloween and are now coming down from the sugar high and time to get back on track before the holidays. Yes, they are coming. I was in Michaels this morning and while I was glad that most of the creepy spiders were gone, and I like that the stocking stuffers are coming out so I can start planning my advent calendar goodies, I was not ready to hear "Silver Bells" playing over the stereo system.
Anyway, here were my goals for October and my results
- Sew Comforter for Little Readers Build A Bear Bed - Done, and it was really easy as the piece of fabric I had just happened to be the perfect size for the bed.
- Refinance Car - Done and we'll be saving about $300 a month, and get this month off as the paperwork is still being processed. Sweet
- Hot Chocolate Race Training - I'm ready. Its going to be cold this weekend, but I know I can do the distance with brief intervals of walking between each mile of running. I have my cold weather gear, I have my Bon Jovi playlist set with power songs in the appropriate spots, I'm going down to the expo today to get my packet and figure out the best place to park.
- Finish putting photo albums together - I'm almost caught up. All photos through August are in. I do need to go to Archivers and get more stickers but have been too busy running to go over there.
- Start planning Christmas shopping - I found a great Santa app that lets you enter info (and pictures) about gifts for all the people on your list and helps you stay on track and on budget
- Organize and file away CDs. - I got most of them done. Down to one bag. My husband is slowly going through it.
- Weatherproof Little Man's room - 95% done. My husband filled in most of the gaps in the attic insulation, and I just got more today so he can finish up this weekend. It's getting better, but I think the real fix would be new windows - not happening for a while.
Anyway, here were my goals for October and my results
- Sew Comforter for Little Readers Build A Bear Bed - Done, and it was really easy as the piece of fabric I had just happened to be the perfect size for the bed.
- Refinance Car - Done and we'll be saving about $300 a month, and get this month off as the paperwork is still being processed. Sweet
- Hot Chocolate Race Training - I'm ready. Its going to be cold this weekend, but I know I can do the distance with brief intervals of walking between each mile of running. I have my cold weather gear, I have my Bon Jovi playlist set with power songs in the appropriate spots, I'm going down to the expo today to get my packet and figure out the best place to park.
- Finish putting photo albums together - I'm almost caught up. All photos through August are in. I do need to go to Archivers and get more stickers but have been too busy running to go over there.
- Start planning Christmas shopping - I found a great Santa app that lets you enter info (and pictures) about gifts for all the people on your list and helps you stay on track and on budget
- Organize and file away CDs. - I got most of them done. Down to one bag. My husband is slowly going through it.
- Weatherproof Little Man's room - 95% done. My husband filled in most of the gaps in the attic insulation, and I just got more today so he can finish up this weekend. It's getting better, but I think the real fix would be new windows - not happening for a while.
Hot Chocolate 15K
This weekend I'm running in my first real race and although I know it's going to be cold and I'm going to have to get up insanely early (I think 5AM) I'm pretty excited. One good thing is that since I'll be running I obviously don't need to shower first, just roll out of bed, get dressed in lots of running layers, hydrate, have my banana and drive downtown. When I started running in July I wouldn't have thought I could do 15K. The first couple of weeks I had to do intervals of walking in order to even make it 3 miles. Little by little I started pushing myself further and further. I know I can do the distance (with some brief intervals of walking). I've been taking it easy this week - skipped running yesterday as I did Trunk or Treat at Little Man's school, and tomorrow I think I'll just go for a walk.
What I'm really excited about (aside from the mug of chocolate goodies at the end - check that thing out) is the actual course. We'll be running through downtown Chicago along the lakefront. As long as it's not super windy, it'll be a really pretty course for a run. It'll be really cool to be able to run on Michigan Avenue and Lake Shore Drive.
Any tips from veteran runners as I prepare for Sunday would be appreciated.
What I'm really excited about (aside from the mug of chocolate goodies at the end - check that thing out) is the actual course. We'll be running through downtown Chicago along the lakefront. As long as it's not super windy, it'll be a really pretty course for a run. It'll be really cool to be able to run on Michigan Avenue and Lake Shore Drive.
Any tips from veteran runners as I prepare for Sunday would be appreciated.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Jack o Lanterns & Jack o Peppers

My husband's is the top one. He does the same face every year, but I guess now that my daughter's are following my lead and going away from traditional face jack o lanterns, it's ok. The mummy is mine. Little Reader did the witch and carved most of it herself. Little Hugger did all the stenciling and prep work on her cat, but I had to do the carving. Little Man didn't do much aside from tell me how he wanted his carved, but that's ok he's only 3.
We got lots of compliments on our collection from the trick or treaters and Little Man especially liked pointing out his scary pumpkin to anyone who commented on them.
The night before Halloween I decided to make a Halloween themed dinner that I saw on Pinterest. I wasn't sure if my kids would eat it as they're not really fans of stuffed peppers but they ate them this time. Here are our "jack o peppers".
Here's a link to the recipe I used. I didn't time it right to use the crockpot though, I put them in the oven at 375 for about 30 minutes and they came out perfect. The only change we made was adding some shredded cheddar on top (I may mix it in next time)
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